Wednesday, October 3, 2018

One Republic - "Connection" Project Review

The concept of our music video was that we wanted a guy that somehow couldn't form a connection with anyone. We used the song "Connection" by One Republic. Our pre-production was pretty simple, we just wanted to have something that could relate to almost anyone and we wanted to show the various attempts to get the girl. That was also our idea, we just wanted to show a guy not being able to get the girl and then in the end he gets one of the girls in one of the montages. For storyboards, we wanted a lot of medium and close up shots to show the emotion that was being conveyed throughout each character. The beat sheet was pretty simple since we printed out the lyrics to the song and then blocked them and counted how long they were, then we would title them; such as "scene 1" or "montage 1" and then go on from there.

The production bit was a little harder than it usually is since the actors we had wanted did not show up to our first set so we had to recast and we were set behind. Although, I believe that we made up for that time by editing outside of class and working on that for multiple hours. The filming itself I was not there for since I had to work but from what I heard, all went well. Location was the bit that we had a little bit of a disagreement about. Our director and cinematographer were having a bit of a quarrel about the park scene and where it should be, I'm not sure how they figured that out but the park they chose was very pretty and I'm glad they chose that one.

Post-production was a bit of a struggle with meeting what both the Director and DP wanted. Our DP wanted to add more shots of a different variety while our Director thought that it would lose the story, so it was a bit hard to find the line where they were both happy. I worked with the DP for about 3 hours in editing but he edited it for a total of 9 hours, so the product we made was very close to being the best we could do. I personally really enjoy this video, I love the editing and the colors.

I personally learned along the way that hiring actors is a tiring process and we need to have more than a day to find someone who'd be willing to film with us. In use of the five guarantees, I believe that we communicated a lot, even when it was talking about what we didn't want to do. Our collaboration was definitely used properly, I've never had a group where we talked so much about what we wanted in this video. I think that we had used our leadership skill very well, we were all stating what we did and did not like when it came to shots and such. Technical skills were used very nicely in my opinion with the editing and our DP's beautiful shots. The only part where I thought we were lacking was in the project management in the beginning when we didn't have actors for our first shoot.

For something that I would do different, I think I would try to take the time off of work to actually be on set and give my opinion on some of the sets and such. For something I'd do the same, I believe I'd like most of the shots to stay the same, I really am a fan of the whole arcade scene and all the beautiful colors and the use of focus in that scene. I think I will take away that these videos take time and trying to rush it by saying "that's good enough" doesn't really fit. Overall, I really enjoyed working on this video and I am very proud of it.

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