Monday, January 30, 2017

"Castle" Project Review

This assignment was supposed to be for us to create a music video, everything else was up to us. There were no other requirements other than to create a video that followed a song.

The pre-production for our team was a bit difficult, at first, we couldn't find a song that we wanted to do. Then, our producer/director, Darby, sent us the song "Castle" by Halsey. I had heard the song before and was a fan of it, so I immediately agreed to use this song for our base. Though, our editor/director, Ashlee, hadn't heard it before, and after listening to the song, agreed to use the song for our project. We wanted to use the type of "Queen" look with our video because the song was mostly just talking about the actress being a queen and how others wanted her to be. So, Darby told us that her cousin, our main actress, was a incredible actress and had a background in acting. Therefore, we decided to ask her to act for us. We didn't really have a storyboard other than asking her to act a bit depressed in the beginning, then she becomes confident and forms into a queen. The production was a bit hard. due to the fact that we only had two of the directors at the location, instead of all three, and it was about 30 degrees, so it was FREEZING, and the windchill didn't help. But, we shot quickly and got out of there. The editing was a bit hard since we wanted the video to be extravagant. So, the editing took a few days, but we got it right after the third day. I learned how each shot can be a pain to work with once you have it in the program and you're trying to fit it with the music, or whatever the video is about.

I also learned about new filters in Premiere Pro that I hadn't heard of before, thanks to Darby. I also learned that I work EXTREMELY well with Ashlee and Darby, we all sort of know where we fit well and we plan to do more videos in the future. I don't think I would do anything different, I had a lot of fun working on this, and I honestly think it was perfect, even with the harsh weather. I believe I would do everything the same. In all honesty, I believe that everything went well, and even things that didn't go according to plan worked very well in the long run. I will use some of the things that Darby did for my next videos, such as taking multiple shots of the same sequence and learn to edit in a fast-paced song and have the video be a bit more interesting than it actually is.

Overall, I believe that our team did very well, and we really enjoyed shooting this video. We plan to stick together to make more videos in the future. 

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