Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Video Semester Final Review

Videos Throughout the Semester

Through this semester, We really only did Journalism. This would include Feature Stories and News Stories.

Hallway Procedures

This was the first video we have ever done in my video class. For this project, we were supposed to choose a rule at Olathe Northwest and make a video on how to follow those rules. It's basically a guide on what we're supposed to be doing in school. This video took a couple days to shoot, I believe that we got about three days to shoot and two days to edit. Some challenges that I faced were trying to get the camera to operate correctly, since this year we used actual cameras instead of iPads. Though, other than that, it was pretty simple. I believe some feedback was that they enjoyed some of the shots, such as the feet and the students walking down the hallway. I believe that I changed the font, because the original font was a bit distracting. Overall, I enjoyed this video and thought that I did well for my first time creating a video. 

Unleashed Pet Shelter Feature Story

This project was probably my third or fourth video, I believe this was my second feature story. For this project, we were supposed to do a feature story on something that could be in or out of the school. I chose a student that goes to Olathe Northwest, a friend of mine, who also volunteers at an animal shelter in Kansas. This video took me one day to shoot, only a couple hours, and about 2 days to edit. There was a lot of footage and I had a lot of questions to edit out. I faced the challenges of working out of school with no one but myself, so I had some troubles keeping the camera out of the way of everyone and having it at home, as well as setting it up by myself, which was terrible. I learned that making videos without having a partner or someone that has some knowledge in camera-operating by your side is terrible and I never want to do it again. I also learned that videos place themselves wherever they want to be, I had several thoughts of where I wanted each clip to be placed, but when I edited the video, they didn't look very good there. So, I had to move it and place it where I thought it would work better. I believe that people liked to hear the dogs barking in the background and where I asked Kylee to sit when I interviewed her. I don't think I changed much, I believe I only changed some b-roll, but other than that, I don't think I had to change anything. Overall, I am pretty proud of myself for how this went and I actually really enjoy making feature stories.

"Agartha" Movie Final Feature Story

This project was for our final in Journalism. For this project, we were supposed to do an interview on something in or out of school that we could place in our school's news broadcast. I signed up to do a feature story, and I chose to do the story on a movie that a couple of my friends are making outside of school called "Agartha". To shoot this video, it took about two days, since I had to interview two different people at two different times, and the editing took about two days as well. I had an interview that was seventeen minutes long, another interview that was only about five minutes long, and an hour and half of b-roll, so, a lot to get through. I faced some challenges of trying to get my video done in the short span of time that I had. I learned that not everything goes the way you want it to, especially with video. There were times where I just wanted to quit and leave it, but I knew I couldn't do that so I had to just switch out whatever I was going to use and make it look a bit prettier. I got some feedback from my teacher saying that it was "hug worthy" because she enjoyed it. Which I thought was amazing because I have never been told that my videos, or anything, were "hug worthy" before. I had to change the audio on some of the b-roll because I forgot to set it down before I submitted the video. Overall, I'm proud of this video. I really enjoyed working with my friend Ashlee on this and finish this video in the time-frame we were given.

Working In Class

I used most of my time in class just editing and trying to figure out what I was going to do for my video, or my next video. I tried to stay productive by checking my blogs and stuff to see what I had to do next, or turn in next. If I had 8 hours to do a project and it took me 7, then I would probably watch and re-watch my video and check out the kinks that I needed to fix, or I didn't catch until after I had already finished it. I watch a lot of movies outside of class, so I like to look at the shots and think "Why did they do that?" or "That was a good shot" to see how things flow and such. I really criticize a lot of videos outside of class. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

I believe that I had a strength in actually editing the videos because I really enjoy putting it together and looking at it as a whole and thinking "I made this", it just gives me a bit of satisfaction. I believe that I maximize my strengths by just looking at my old videos and trying to think what I did that I can fix for my next one. I try to go back and see what needs to be fixed and look at others to see what I can do to make my video as good as theirs. I believe that I need to improve on filming the videos and being comfortable actually talking to people I don't know, because I am terrible at that. 


I think I loved working with my Mrs. Smith and my classmates this semester, Mrs. Smith is, by far, my favorite teacher at this school. She's really helpful and kind, she also gave me time to work on my video when it was supposed to already be turned in. I think, if I could, I would try to stay after longer to turn in my some of the videos I didn't turn in on time. I believe that this semester has been a huge learning experience for me because I learned how to shoot a video properly, how to edit it properly, and how to stand up and be a leader when it comes to my video. Before this class, I would just kinda let everyone else do what they wanted and I would just stand in the back, even though it had to do with my grade. Though, now when I don't like something, or I think something should be better, I talk to my partner and say "Hey, I know we talked about this, but I think this would be better", and actually take control. I think for next semester, I would like to turn in all my videos on time and not just some of them. Overall, I really enjoy this class so far and I want it to be this amazing next semester. (It probably will be, or maybe even better!)


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