Friday, December 16, 2016

Animation Portfolio Reflection 2016

Lazy Susan Animation
This was my Lazy Susan animation. This was our first ever animation in Maya and it was a bit challenging to get the ice cream texture, since we had never used bump map textures in this program before. I learned how to use a bump map on my animations, which helps in making it more realistic. I also learned how to animate the projects and move them the way I want. I learned to do this by following Mr. Netterville's instructions in Google Classroom, and with the help of my classroom neighbors. I felt I was a quick learner when it came to this project. I chose this project because I felt that it was a large part of my time in Animation and it helped me like animation, when at the time I wasn't a big fan of it. So, I feel like this project is one of my greatest accomplishments in this class. I thought that my greatest strength, regarding this project, was with actually creating everything and modeling it to fit the requirements of the project. I believe that my weakness in this project was how the texture freaking moves. I tried to fix it, but I just couldn't get it to change, no matter how hard I tried. I improved greatly from my first Maya project, in my opinion, due to the fact that I actually know how to place the lighting and move the models to where they make sense. I believe that I will use this to try and make more realistic animations in the future of my animation career. I think if I could, I would try and change the texture to make it not move at all, because it just looks weird with the ice cream literally moving. Overall, I really enjoyed this animation and I hope to make more of these in Maya.

This project was my first walk cycle animation that I had ever created. Even this this project kinda sucks and it just doesn't look very good, I tried really hard on it and I am absolutely in love with it. With this project, I learned how to make  a walk cycle in Adobe After Effects and how to move the character from one side to the other. I chose this project because I really enjoyed making it and I just thought it was pretty cute. My greatest strength in this project was creating the background and the character because I feel that my drawing skills in this animation were better than what they used to be. My greatest weakness was making the character move because that kinda sucked and I just didn't like it that much. I believe I have improved greatly in this because now I can have the animation move without even having to think of how to move it. It just sorta comes naturally now. I don't believe I would change anything about this project. I'm very happy about how this turned out and, though I don't want to do more. I thought it was cute.

Marble Cup
This is my marble cup that I made in Maya. I learned how to use the Revolve tool in the program Maya. I learned this by following Mr. Netterville's directions that were placed on Google Classroom, as well as his demonstration that he placed on the screen in front of the class. I picked this project because I thought that it was good for my first time using the Revolve tool. My greatest strength with this project was creating the cup, in my opinion. I believe my greatest weakness was with the lighting because I didn't put any and that sort of upsets me now. I believe I have improved from my first project because I didn't really understand Maya at that time, but I do now and I believe that my newer projects have improved so much more than what it used to be. I don't really know what to do with what I have learned for the Revolve tool, but I do know that I do use it more than I do just using the polygon tool and making shapes. I think the only thing I would change would be adding some more lighting because I really need it. Overall, I am absolutely in LOVE with the Revolve tool and I use it a lot.

This was part of my final in Animation for this semester. We had to make a pen. I learned how to Extrude and make caps in Maya. I learned this by mostly following Mr. Netterville's demonstration and directions, I also just sort of messed around to see what I could do. I chose this project because I really enjoyed it and it shows how much I've improved from my first Maya project and such. I believe my greatest strength was making the pen grip look the same, as well as the cap. I believe my greatest weakness was taking up too much time just trying to figure out how to make my project look a little bit better than what it was. I believe that I haven't much improved on this because I had just made it the day before. I want to make more models just like this one in the future. I don't think there's anything I would change about it. I enjoyed working on it and I hope to do more with Maya in the future.

Salt Shaker
I learned how to make this in Maya with Mr. Netterville's instructions. I chose this project because I thought that this would show how much I have improved in this program even though it looks a bit bad. It was mostly just because the lighting wasn't there because I ran out of time. I believe my strengths for this project was actually making the salt shaker in Maya. My greatest weakness, I believe, is not adding the lighting when I obviously needed it. I have improved on the project above because on the pen model, I actually added the lighting and stuff. I don't think I actually am going to do anything with what I have learned with this project because it was a bit bad and I'm not sure I like it all that much. I would probably change this by adding lighting in the project instead of just making it this dark child. Overall, I am not sure that I like this project all that much but it shows how much I have improved on my other projects.

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