Tuesday, May 17, 2016

End of Year Reflection

Jordan Whitfield
Hour 2

e-Communications Reflection

                 What have I learned?

I have learned many things over the course of this year. I have learned how to make videos with frames that are actually interesting. I also learned how to create animations in Photoshop, as well as how to use Sketchup. I learned also that there is much more to a logo than just the colors and pictures, it represents your company. When I first came to this school, I didn’t think I would learned much due to the fact that I have been drawing and animating for a while now, at least 9 years, and I thought I knew everything. Although, I have learned a lot about web design, and how much I can hardly tolerate it. Web design makes me feel like I have been crushed by the weight of a thousand suns.

                                         How did I learn it?

I learned how to do this the same way anyone would, I went to class. I also stayed after class on many occasions in Mr. Cooper’s room, just trying to get my website to be as perfect as I can get it. In the beginning in the year, I took so many notes that I had to get a second notebook. I took notes over every little thing that was talked about in class. I also learned from hands on projects that, with some of them, made me angry to come to class, but, I did it anyways, and it helped in the end. Even though I’m not a big fan of Graphic Design, but it does change your perspective on logos in the real world.

                                        Why is it important?

This is extremely important because it’s like a whole new perspective on other company’s logos and just the way they make their advertisements. It changes everything you know about video production and web design. It helps you with managing your time as well and not just pushing the project off. This class also helps with communication skills, it helps you work with a team.

           What are my strengths/what are my weaknesses? How have I improved?

I believe my greatest strengths are just going with the flow in a group project. I also believe that I am terrible at working in a group with my peers, just because I want their approval on everything and, for some reason, I don’t think my works are good enough in the project, so I am constantly changing it. One of my many weaknesses is Graphic Design. It’s mostly just graphic design in general that I am trash at. I can’t seem to make just a logo, I always want to make a full picture. Other than that, I don’t have many weaknesses. Well, not in this class anyways. I have improved a lot on my animations, but not really on anything else.

          What am I going to do with what I have learned?

I really only think I’ll do things with my animation skills. I really want to be an animator, so I would probably be just using the things I have learned in animation class. I might be doing my own projects over the summer and trying to earn some cash, since I’m still too young to get a job.

Is there anything you would change? Why?

I would probably change the way I think about my projects, because I feel like they're not good enough when I have finished with them, so then I start over again. It’s kinda terrible because I always over look what I did well and look at the flaws. I really want it to look professional and perfect, therefore, I always go over my project and basically redesign it. I also would change the way I prefer working by myself, I just don’t work a lot with others. I’m not sure why, I just prefer to work by myself.

In conclusion, I loved this class, I have made a couple friends through this class. I can already tell that they’ll stick around with me. I also love this class just because it showed me how to communicate with others and how the rules for each rotation. It’s a great class, and I wouldn’t change anything about it.

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