Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hallway Procedure

ONW Procedure Project Reflection

Beginning of the video

Middle of the video
End of the video
The assignment given to us was to create a short, 30 to 40 second video which shows how to behave in Olathe NorthWest. The particular procedure that I had chosen was how to behave in the hallway. 

In the beginning, we, my team and I, wanted to create a video which showed what was and was not tolerable in the hallways. We were heavily inspired by "Go-Zones". Go-Zones are the areas in the hallway in which you can not just stand around, or else it will cause a blockade, and students will start pushing each other out of the way. The freshmen at Olathe NorthWest, seem to not understand the Go-Zones well enough, they all seem to stand in the hallway constantly and no one can get through. My team and I stated that we all had a similar anger for this type of behavior. So, we thought that making a procedure video based on this topic would create a sort of acknowledgment towards the students that are doing this and stop it from happening anymore. The creation was a bit tricky, we had to somehow show how upsetting it can be in the halls when these incidents occur. So, we overdramatized it. As shown in the 'wasted' scene, we wanted to hint a bit of humor, but also show that it is a definite don't. The editing in itself was a bit of a challenge, we had to find the correct template and search up several tutorials on how to change the green-screen to a slightly transparent scene. We also had some trouble trying to find appropriate music, though we got through it. Though, I did have to go back and change a few things, such as, a shot that I had originally used had someone in the background tripping, which stole the audiences attention from the main focus of the scene, and so on. 

I learned how to use a green-screen and shape it to form to my video. I also learned how to add text in Adobe Premiere, it took a while, since this is my first time editing with Adobe Premiere, though I found several tutorials that walked me through it. I also learned that my opinion can be held high, I used to be a bit more shy in showing what I thought, and asking if it could work. Though, I was the one who said we should add the 'wasted' scene, to add a light-heartedness feel in the video, and it turned out well. I really enjoyed that scene, as did the audience. 

I would try to get a more variety of shots, though this video was short, it still was in need of a lot of shots. We also didn't have a lot of time to get those shots, but we did the best we could with what little we had. 

Other than that, I wouldn't change anything. I would keep the same music and the same shots. I am very proud of this video along with how I did things. 

I would probably use my collaborations skills and definitely use them in my next project. I think it'll work really well for me if I start to spitball my ideas and try to be more contributed in the project instead of just hanging around for the ride. 

I really enjoyed this video, I enjoyed working on it. I really enjoyed editing it, though it took some time, and I had to re-edit some parts of it. I really enjoyed doing this video. 

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