Monday, December 18, 2017

Semester One Final Review

This semester we worked on making a short film, a PSA, and currently a feature film. For the short film, we were asked to make a script based on a treatment that we had made earlier in the year. We got in groups based on who we wanted to work with and we all decided on a script that we liked, my group decided that we liked Skai's. Her script was about abused children with an alcoholic mother and their story on how they are treated.

The project took about a month from treatment to editing. Though, the filming only took one day, the editing took several days and the scripting took a couple weeks as well. We faced a little bit of challenge in attempting some of the effects we wanted to add, such as the glass breaking. We actually had a mat on the floor in front of the fireplace that would catch the glass. We had thrown the cup twice and had struggled with making it look as we wanted, even though that scene is the one we didn't really like, the other shot was not in focus. We also struggled with making the plate falling off the counter look as smooth as we wanted instead of just setting a camera down and hoping for the best. We, unfortunately, damaged a the floor a little bit after so many takes of dropping the plate.

I didn't really learn much other than that the making of a short film is incredibly hard and it needs to be taken seriously and you need to work out every detail before filming. I believe most of the feedback was good, other than some people were wondering about the ending, in which we lost due to the footage corrupting on the SD card. Though, the actress that played the mother had cussed, in which was not acceptable, even though I disagreed, we had to get rid of it. The bleeping at that scene is where we had to change it. Though, I believe it really represented the feeling of abuse in that household and a classmate of mine stated that she got chills when the mother said that, which shows the impact of the language being used to really drive home the reality of abusive homes.

We changed a lot about the script, we were originally going to make this movie about the real story of Christopher Robin and how he was abused by his parents and such. Though, we had to accommodate to the fact that we didn't have the actors that would fit the role, so we changed the script based on what we had and what we could do. I really enjoyed this short film, we had cast my mother as the abusive mother and she was incredible in my opinion, though being mean did have an impact on her and made her upset, which I believe shows that even with a small production, we can make an impact that affects everyone, not just the actors. I loved working with the crew as well as the actors, we had a fun time and even had a crew breakfast, which we used the leftovers for the film. It felt like we were really making a film and it really projected us into the spots of actual filmmakers.

The other video we made this semester was a PSA on a pressing issue that we believed needed to be talked about. I was in a group with a friend of mine and we decided that, from the list we got, we wanted to do a PSA about racism because of the pressing issue it still plays in our society today. I believe that the project took about two weeks to complete and filming did take a couple days due to the people we wanted in our film not being available at certain times. We were challenged when we had to somehow get pictures of about twenty or thirty people. Though, we figured out that we could just take pictures of other classes during the hour that we had video class. Although, taking pictures of peoples' shadows was incredibly troublesome and at first we were unsure how to go about getting the silhouettes that we originally had wanted in our film. 

I didn't really learn much when filming this other than that, especially when filming a PSA about racism, that you talk to the actors about the PSA and ask if they are comfortable with being a part of the film. We had some people that were not as comfortable being in the film due to it being about racism. The feedback was relatively positive; though the sound in the film is a bit off, which I was not able to fix in post-production because of my inexperience with sound. Although, I was told that the voiceover was strong and had a strong message, which I was pretty proud of because I was the one that wrote it.

We changed a lot when we had little of our actors show up to one of the last shots we had to do, which was frustrating, but we got a good shot anyway. Unfortunately, I was not as happy with the video as I wish I was. This film was extremely frustrating and there was more than a few times where my patience had run out on one or more of the crew. Though, I do feel as though I needed to experience making a PSA due it being something different.

I believe I used my time in class wisely; though, there were some days that I was drawing due to the lack of things I could have done. I did use a lot of my free time watching short films and animations, just seeing how they did things and how I could integrate it into my films in the future. I also took notes on how to catch people's attention with trailers and films in hopes to keep the audience interested in the film. This was how I stayed productive and how I "studied" for this class when I finished early. Though, when there were times that I had nothing to do and watching short films and taking notes seemed to be not what I wanted I would work on other classes homework or projects.

I watch a lot of short films outside of class and watch trailers to see what I can gain inspiration from. I have also dedicated a notebook to taking notes on video and have done a little bit both in and out of class. I believe that I am hard working, especially when it comes to getting editing or filming done. When I edit, I stay after for hours and attempt to make a film that is intriguing and causes people to want to watch more. I maximize these strengths by investing myself into these films and working my hardest to make sure that the film turns out as the director wants. I believe I need improvement on being the leader when I believe there is anther way we could make a video better. I do not like to speak up when it's not my idea, I suppose. I do sometimes speak up when the director is a friend of mine or I feel comfortable enough with them to say "Hey, I think we could do this better,"; though, most of the time I don't know the director very well and follow their instructions to a T.

I learned from our guest speakers that being in the film industry is incredibly hard and it is exhausting; though, it pays off in the end. I also learned about the roles in filmmaking, such as the equipment we will be using for our feature film. I also learned from them that, when working on a larger production, storyboards are needed, even if I don't like using them, to set base on what the shot needs to be and how you can make the film fall together perfectly.

I learned a little bit from our experience in MX-4D, though not about the film industry. I mostly learned that the use of movie theaters is becoming less and less of an occurrence. People just wait until the film comes out on cable or on Netflix to watch it, which is causing movie theaters to lose money and probably eventually close them down. I believe that the use of MX-4D will cause more people to be interested in seeing the movie of their choice in a way that they have never seen before and would like to experience. Which could save the movie industry if people decide they want to see movies this way.

I really enjoyed this semester, though I believe I really enjoyed going to the theatre for the field trip and seeing Justice League in MX-4D the most. Even if it didn't enhance my experience much, I really enjoyed seeing the film and feeling the seats move. I don't think I would do anything differently, other than getting more shots for the PSA. I learned that making films and getting them to actually fit together is really hard, and you have to work to make it fit the way you want. I believe that my goal for next year is to make short films outside of class with just myself or others. Overall, this first semester has been a little intense, but the projects really paid off in the end and now I can look back and think of the good times we had on set, or making the film.

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