Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Racism PSA

My group came up with the idea to do our PSA about racism since it is still a factor that causes friction in the U.S today. We wanted to create something that would resonate deep within the viewer, and sort of pull at their heart strings. Armin and I had talked before going with our group that we wanted to do something about racism due to it still being a prominent issue in America.

Pre-production for the video wasn't much, we had a general idea of what we wanted to do and a little bit of how we wanted to do it. We were originally going to use a white sheet and put it up in the auditorium, though one of our partners forgot to get the white sheet se we had to use the white backdrop in the Yearbook room. We had made a script in about 30 minutes, it didn't take long, we had a lot of information about this topic and we used the ones we thought would be best for the video. We had no storyboard, we also didn't know who we wanted to cast yet, so we had to text our friends and ask them if they wanted to be apart of it. We also went to several other classrooms and asked if the students wanted to be apart of it. We were easily assigned to our team roles, I was the editor, since I enjoy editing and will spend hours upon hours editing a single video. Production was a bit of a mess since several people decided they couldn't do it last minute and we had only a couple people willing to come in after school to film, so we had to compromise. Editing was pretty easy, though getting the pictures to match to the beat was a bit of a challenge due to the beat rapidly changing pace.

I was the editor in the team and I believe I have done well with what I was given, though Armin and I did work off of each other. We were constantly asking each other if the video we did was good enough and what we thought we could improve. I didn't really learn much about the technology other than that it is kinda hard using a new updated software for the first video.

We had everything laid out on time, though the editing process took a bit longer than expected so the Project Management would probably be drawn out a little. Though, I believe communication, leadership, and collaboration were done very well with our group. I would have changed the size of the pictures before we started editing because it is a lot smaller than what I would have liked. I would have the pictures meeting the beat the same, I like the look of it and I believe it makes it look much more professional and cinematic.

I would draw the experience of having a set of actors that are willing to do what's needed to be in the project and I would also take away keeping track and sending out reminders to my team mates to remind them of what needs to be done and what we can do in what time we have. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and I thought it was a bit of a challenge to edit with new software and use a different style of cinematography that I haven't had the chance of experiencing before. I enjoyed the experience and I wouldn't mind doing it again.

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