Friday, March 31, 2017

The Plausible Impossible

The clip that I chose was the Seven Dwarves animation that didn't make it into the Snow White movie.

The first Plausible Impossible is when Grumpy doesn't want to go wash up for dinner. In this scene, Grumpy pushes his hat back and it swings forward and hits him in the face. This action doesn't apply to the real world because if you push your hat back, it does not swing forward and cover your face. Though, almost all actions in the cartoon universe are overdramatized. Therefore, having Grumpy's hat rush forward and hit his face once he pushes it behind his head.

Another Plausible Impossible is soon after the first where Grumpy is incredibly mad at Snow White for making him and the other dwarves wash up before they eat. Grumpy grabs his pants and lifts himself onto the barrel. This isn't possible in the real world because you can't lift yourself into the air, gravity doesn't work that way.

Another Plausible Impossible is when Dopey is washing up and, soon after he has finished, he feels that there is still water in his head. Therefore, he blows the water out of his ears. Most people probably feel this way as well after they have finished swimming. Though, this is not possible that someone can blow the water out of their ears, our bodies simply do not work that way.

Another Plausible Impossible could be when Dopey is attempting to get the soap to clean up Grumpy and the soap is so slippery that it bounces right out of his hands and hits another Dwarves body and bounces into his mouth. As you can see in the picture, the soap is the small rectangular shape above Dopey's leg. This would never be able to happen in the real world because, though it may feel that something is hitting the bottom of our stomach, it isn't. Also, Dopey would have to swallow to get the soap into his stomach, It would not be able to just swing into his stomach.

Another Plausible Impossible was after Dopey had swallowed the soap, he hiccuped and bubbles came out of his mouth. This couldn't happen in real life because the soap bubbles would pop in our throat if they even made bubbles, but with the acid in our stomachs, there probably wouldn't be anything to make bubbles anyway. Though, with the hiccups, it feels like we could make bubbles with how much we hiccup, though we can't.

To summarize, cartoon characters are just over-dramatized actions that we could feel, or do feel, in the real world.

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