Monday, December 17, 2018

Video Semester Final Review

In this semester, I worked a lot on my own or with one other person. I have found that I personally like it better that way since it becomes easier to maintain our timeframe and filming becomes more fun. This semester, we worked on a short film, a music video, and a commercial.

Music Video

The project was to take a song that we enjoyed and make a music video for it. It took maybe two weeks for the whole process, one week for planning and the next week to film and edit. A lot of the challenges we faced were the timeframe, some of our actors and crew couldn't be on set because of work or for personal reasons. I believe we were given feedback on certain shots, the class said that some of the shots didn't really make sense, even though they were b-roll. We changed the shots and tried to switch them out with shots that made more sense in that scene. Overall, I really enjoyed making this video because I love all the shots and the colors. I also believe that the story is very clear in the lyrics and such. 


The scope of this project was to assign ourselves a product and create a commercial for it. My group decided that we wanted to use Dr. Pepper and make a more controversial commercial about a same-sex couple enjoying the soda. I could not personally be on set because I had to work a lot, but from what I heard, filming was a breeze and was incredibly fun for the cast and crew. It took about two weeks for the whole process. The only problem we faced was making it clear what we wanted to show in the location that we had. Though, we also had a problem with actors being able to make it to set as well. The feedback that we were given was that our story was not really told properly. I believe they said that the story was a little unclear and we needed something else to make it just a little more cohesive. I don't believe we changed much, just the editing. Overall, I enjoyed making the little animation at the end but I am not completely proud of this commercial, unfortunately. 

Short Film

This was, by far, my favorite project so far. The finished product does need to be a little refined, but we had to edit it quickly because of the little time we had to make it. We were given a single week to do everything, which we did not complete in that timeframe. We faced a lot of challenges when we were first beginning, such as location, actors, and sound. We were going to use foley noise, but a lot of the sound we tried to use just didn't fit. I didn't learn much other than we can not make a good short film in a single week, it's virtually impossible with other classes and work taking up our time. though, filming was a huge blast and I enjoyed every second of it. We didn't receive any feedback since our film was not finished on time. Overall, I really loved making this film and I don't think I'd change a lot, plot and filming wise.


Most of my time in class has been used to study editing techniques and create ideas for our projects. In all honesty, I did not ever finished early on any projects that we've done so far. Once I was done with one, I moved on to another one. If for some reason I was waiting on something or someone, I would speak to my group and ask what they wanted me to do or refine details in the script or editing. Outside of class, I usually will go out with my friend, Armin, and take a camera and film or take photos of anything really. We do it just to practice and we enjoy doing it together since we easily bounce ideas off of each other. 

I believe my strengths are that I am extremely flexible when it comes to filming or taking on jobs on set that needed to be filled. I maximize these by just doing what's asked of me and asking others for advice or stating my opinion when I believe it's relevant. I think I need improvement on my procrastination, I tend to push this class aside if I feel my other classes need more attention. Though with filming or editing, it's more harmful that helpful when I procrastinate. I didn't learn really anything new from our guest speakers since I have already learned most of that stuff from this class or from my own research and have been applying it to my work for a while now. 

In our new upcoming feature film, I am the Storyboard Artist. I am used to draw a lot and making sketches in a short amount of time because of my interest in the art industry. I have also drawn up concept art for our film and given it to our publicists to hopefully get people excited about our movie. I believe I will also have to be on set a lot since I am the one making the storyboards and I will be there to help the DP and first AC clear up and confusion about the shots. 


I really loved making the short film this semester, it was so much fun and I absolutely loved every second of it. Even though the project didn't turn out the best, I had the time of my life creating it with Armin and our actor, Ryan. The only thing I think I would change is the commercial, I wish we would've gone more in depth with our shots to make the story cohesive and understandable. I don't believe I learned anything new this semester, but I would probably keep the timeframe in mind in the future. One goal I'd like to set is that I want to be more active in the class discussions and stating my opinion when I believe it's relevant to what we we're doing. Overall, I really enjoyed a lot about this past semester and I'm incredibly excited for our feature film. 

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